Rock Art Cave Paintings Baja California Mexico
Rock Art Cave Paintings Baja California Mexico
Rock Art Cave Paintings Baja California Mexico
Baja California Great Murals
Baja On Film
A Selection of Films exploring the Rock Art of Baja California

A selection of films reflecting the scale and variety of rock paintings from the Baja California peninsula of Mexico, from the Sierra de San Borja in the north, through the Sierra de San Juan and the Sierra de San Francisco to the Sierra de Guadalupe in the south. The Great Murals cave paintings represent one of the largest concentrations of rock art in the Americas, and some of its oldest. Created over thousands of years by an unknown people, the ancient paintings are rich in artistry and metaphorical significance.

The Click here to subscribe free for more Bradshaw Foundation films.

The Rock Art of Baja California
Bradshaw Foundation

Rock Art on the Sierra de San Francisco
California Rock Art Foundation

Harry W. Crosby
Bradshaw Foundation

In Search of Painted Caves
Film Trailer

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