Paul Goldsmith |
Paul Goldsmith has been shooting film for 50 years. He studied film at NYU and the first film he photographed won an Emmy. He lived and worked as a cinematographer in NYC making documentaries and films for public TV. He moved to California in 1974 where he filmed music videos and television (MAX HEADROOM) before breaking into features (SHOCK TO THE SYSTEM, Michael Caine, KILLING TIME, Kiefer Sutherland). After he got married and started a family (four daughters) he left features because they required him to be on location endlessly and began to film commercials. For many years he had at least one broadcast during the Super Bowl.
He was elected a member of the American Society of Cinematographers, won a cinematography Emmy for a National Geographic he photographed (DON’T SAY GOODBYE), and a feature documentary (WHEN WE WERE KINGS) he shot won an Oscar. His interest in Native American history was piqued when he worked as the director of photography on a series of films on this topic for PBS (WE SHALL REMAIN).
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